Feather's of Fury returns for its 6th year! Save the Date 2.14.16

We're getting an early start on this years jump because this year is special! It's our 6th year and we're coming strong because this year... we will pillow fight on Valentines' Day!

So let the anticipation begin for you veteran pillow pugilists and let the curiosity start for the first-timer feather throwers.  After five successful years of swinging pillows all around the city from Chavez Park to City Hall, SJ Musuem to the SJ Rep Theater, then Camera 12, we're now ready to kickoff our 6th straight year of Downtown shenanigans.  This years location, as usual, will be kept private until later but rest assured its in the Downtown walkable core. So follow along...

If you are new to the site, feel free to look around and explore the rules. Be
sure to explore us on all social media sites under #pillowfightsj and on youtube. Ask about it, talk about it, wonder about it...
...and please remember, this event only works if you TELL EVERYONE ABOUT IT!!!



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