Decorating the Paseo. Please help us.

Decorating the Paseo
Saturday, February 2nd 2019
Saturday, February 9th 2019

TIME: 10a-2p
WHERE: Camera 12 - 201 S 2nd Street.

HOW: Treating the fence like a grid, we can create designs using the style of old school computer graphics. You can help us with simpler designs like the hearts below or get more creative and come up with your own designs. We've created a printable fence grid here:
Use this to map out your design. If you want to more about the story behind this read on. 


Sometimes obstacles become opportunities. 

Camera 12 Theater installed a chain-link fence days before last year's pillow fight to avoid loitering and graffiti while it's empty. This fence was not a welcoming backdrop for our photo heavy celebration so we decided to decorate it. Inspired by, We decorated the fence with simple random designs like heart and even a 6 foot Elote! The community welcomed it and this year we want to do more! 


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